17th Panama Jazz Festival has ended
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The SCHED app requires iOS 11.2 or more, and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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avatar for Samuel Batista (Panamá)

Samuel Batista (Panamá)

Nacido en Panamá, Samuel Batista tuvo su primer encuentro musical a los 14 años con el pianista panameño Walter Smith. Con pocos recursos a su disposición, pero mucha determinación, comienza sus estudios musicales en El Bachillerato de Artes Diversificadas. Dos años antes de finalizar sus estudios secundarios, lo aceptan como saxofonista en la Big Band del notable trompetista Victor “Vitin” Paz, donde permanece por lo menos 2 años. Esta oportunidad le permitió crear sus primeros lasos con el saxofonista panameño Carlos Agrazal, quien eventualmente lo introdujo a sus futuros mentores: el pianista Danilo Pérez y la saxofonista Patricia Zarate. Simultáneamente, Batista gana su primera beca musical con la Fundación Danilo Pérez, siendo testigo del uso de la música como herramienta para el cambio social y su impacto en las comunidades marginadas de todo el país. Batista reside actualmente en la Ciudad de Panamá, trabajando como profesor de música en diversas instituciones educativas a nivel nacional, como la Fundacion Danilo Perez y Howard Academy. Simultáneamente, trabaja como saxofonista en la Big Band del cantante panameño Ruben Blades, entre otras agrupaciones a nivel nacional. Debido a la crisis mundial por el Covid-19, el lanzamiento de su debut album (Panama United) ha sido pospuesto para inicios del año 2021.

Born in Panama, Samuel Batista had his first musical encounter at age 14 with Panamanian pianist Walter Smith. With few resources at his disposal, but a lot of determination, he began his musical studies at El Bachillerato en Artes Diversificadas. Two years before finishing high school, he was accepted as a saxophonist in the Big Band of the notable trumpeter Victor “Vitin” Paz, where he remained for at least 2 years. This opportunity allowed him to create his first ties with Panamanian saxophonist Carlos Agrazal, who eventually introduced him to his future mentors: pianist Danilo Pérez and saxophonist Patricia Zarate. Simultaneously, Batista wins his first musical scholarship with the Danilo Pérez Foundation, witnessing the use of music as a tool for social change and its impact on marginalized communities across the country. Batista currently resides in Panama City, working as a music teacher in various educational institutions nationwide, such as the Danilo Perez Foundation and the Howard Academy. Simultaneously, he works as a saxophonist in the Big Band of the Panamanian singer Ruben Blades, among other groups nationwide. Due to the global crisis due to Covid-19, the release of his debut album (Panama United) has been postponed to early 2021.